brainspotting consultants

The following practitioners are Certified Brainspotting Professionals who have completed Phase One, Phase Two and additional Brainspotting training of choice along with a minimum of  six (6) hours of consultation from an Advanced Brainspotting Practitioner.

Fifty (50) hours of documented Brainspotting practice is also required.  Certification and consultation is approved only after being reviewed.  

In addition, Brainspotting Consultants  have been mentored and approved by an advanced practitioner with some having completed additional advanced training which will be listed on their profile.  

The experience and knowledge of the process of Brainspotting by each consultant has met the criteria established by Dr. David Grand.

While we have organized consultants by Province, we encourage you to find one that best suits you.

Brainspotting Canada is NOT a regulatory body but rather a place to start when looking for a Certified Consultant in Brainspotting. Please ensure when choosing a Consultant you engage in due dilegence regarding their qualifications, trainings, scope of practice, and professional associations and/or regulatory bodies.