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Mark Grixti - How We Attend Affects How We Heal

Mark Grixti: Years ago when I was training in Clinical Psychology the maxim for selecting effective therapy techniques was 'what works for whom'. It was a diagnostic led approach to select the most effective treatment from a range of modalities. Since those days, and through Brainspotting, it is apparent to me that deep healing is less about strategy and technique and more about an awareness of how we utilise our attention. In this workshop I will explore with the group how attending to space is foremost towards our paths of healing and harmony. We'll look at the brain and how a person can be playfully perceived as 'two souls', each with incredible but distinct positions on life. We'll then expand this to a consideration of conscious awareness to consider if approaching emotional distress from attending to 'what works for whom' is another attentional error that does more to divide than build on the power of the inter-relational aspects of collective consciousness. Finally this brings me to a comparison of sorts between these 2 statements:Where you look affects how you feelHow we attend affects how we heal

Thursday, October 27th, 2022 7:00-9:00 EST

via Zoom

November 28

Brainspotting Canada Presents: Wrapping Our Heads Around MAiD for Mental Illness